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Master of Science in Nursing Administration
If you are a registered nurse with a bachelor's degree in nursing (BSN) from a regionally accredited institution with a GPA of 3.0 or above and are looking for an opportunity to earn a graduate degree in nursing, Empire State University's Master of Science in Nursing Administration is a good choice for you.
The M. S. in nursing administration is a 33-credit, online program. The degree will prepare students to assume a broader leadership role in nursing management within a healthcare organization or system-wide enterprise.
Course Descriptions
Not all courses are offered every term. Current term offerings are listed in the Term Guide. Courses are 3 credits unless listed otherwise. Click on the title to view the course description.
This course explores the evolution of knowledge development in nursing. Theory is analyzed as a foundation for nursing practice, research, administration and education. Students will discover strategies to facilitate the process of theory development. Course topics include nursing’s metaparadigm, philosophy of nursing, philosophy of science, nursing’s unique body of knowledge and ways of knowing. Students will synthesize what they have learned about nursing knowledge development to create a personal nursing practice framework.
Students explore bioethics and integrate principles of ethical decision making and professional behaviors into leadership roles. The roles to be identified, critiqued and evaluated are clinician, advocate, educator, researcher, expert, leader, manager, innovator and consultant. Traditional ethical systems and historic perspectives are examined in light of bioethical decision making and contrasted with practice-based ethics. Students learn how to objectively and systematically make and validate bioethical decisions in the nursing and health care environment. Scope of practice legalities and advanced ethical decision making from a practice-based perspective will be introduced and discussed as it relates to various roles and leadership as a master's prepared nurse.
This graduate-level course will focus on the knowledge required by nurses to utilize research findings, to provide high-quality health care, initiate change and improve nursing practice. Examination, analyses and evaluation of ethical principles, current literature, research designs and methodologies including quantitative, qualitative perspectives will be discussed. The investigation of scientific inquiry, problem identification, use of theoretical frameworks, ethics, measurement, data collection and analysis and dissemination will be integrated into a research proposal based on a specific health care issue of interest.
This course explores a variety of issues facing contemporary health care professionals. The course outcomes focus on preparing the student to participate in the design and implementation of cost-effective care while managing human, fiscal and health care resources in a variety of health care systems in a time of health care reform.
This course covers the evolution and theoretical basis of nursing and health care informatics, including concepts of data, information, knowledge and wisdom. The course explores applications in health care informatics, the use of technology and implications for clinical practice, administration, education and research. Concepts and application of relational database technology are introduced. Interprofessional issues in health care informatics are examined. Students will develop competencies in information management for knowledge-based practice in various health care settings to enhance patient care and nursing practice.
This graduate course will advance understanding of population health in the United States and globally from an interprofessional perspective. Students will explore determinants of health and healthcare disparities using a variety of conceptual frameworks, models, and theories. Distributions and patterns of health outcomes across populations will be analyzed. Responsibilities of master’s prepared nurses in addressing health policy issues and employing advocacy strategies to promote optimal health outcomes will be examined.
This course will focus on the influence of economic factors in the delivery of healthcare services. Consideration of quality, safety and assuring positive patient outcomes will be discussed. In addition, components of financial management such as budget development for operational and capital budgets, cost analysis, human resource allocation and staffing, and payment systems will be explored as they related to the nurse administrator role.
This is a graduate level course designed for nursing administration students to explore, critique, and analyze organizational behavior and human resources management. Using a multidisciplinary approach, students in this course will draw on both the literature and their experiences to better understand the value that differing organizational structures and processes have on an organization’s performance and outcomes. Students will interpret the political and cultural dynamics inherent to all organizations with an emphasis on managing personnel relations and leading organizations strategically. A combination of probing discussion questions, case study analysis, and reflective journal writing will be utilized as learning methods in this course.
This course will focus on innovative design and leadership strategies to create and improve healthcare organizations. Within the context of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act the course examines current trends in the design of healthcare systems across the healthcare continuum. The course builds on an understanding of organizational theory and healthcare finance to highlight how best practice leadership strategies can promote sustainable organizations in a dynamic healthcare environment.
In the course students engage in didactic and online activities as a culminating program requirement. In addition to these activities students will engage in a 45 hour practicum working with nurse administrators in various aspects of the practice environment. Synthesis of concepts related to organizational behavior and human resource management, healthcare finance, and innovative leadership are explored. Focus is placed on application of leadership and nurse administrator competencies.
To be determined
The baccalaureate degree program in nursing and master’s degree program in nursing at SUNY Empire State University are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, 655 K Street NW, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20001, 202-887-6791
Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing®

The mission of STTI (opens in new window) is to advance world health and celebrate nursing excellence in scholarship, leadership and service.
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Connect with our Recruitment Specialist:
Jillian Johnis
800-847-3000 x6840
Schedule a virtual or phone appointment with Jillian
SUNY Empire’s School of Nursing and Allied Health is ready to assist you with planning your degree program and keeping you on track.
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